Wednesday, April 9, 2008

I'm noticing a disturbing trend...

most image blogs that I come across only has a life expectency of around 3 to 6 month, I wonder if it's the massive image hosting, or the fact that after a while, looking for "funny" pictures just become too exhausting?

well, either way, there's still plenty of goodness to extract from.

Oh I bet that's just a bluff!

I never did figure out what the hell this is about.


If you catch your manager doing this, time to get out of the business.

You feeling like tempting fate?

Need bigger paper pls.


Very much like the reaction here.

So... whose wedding was it?



It's an optical illusion, as I've been told, filthy lies, I say.


And finally, the picture of a border crosser, caught... uh... red chaired... *sigh...*

all images curtesy of usefulzero

1 comment:

Benedict said...

It can't really have success, I feel so.