Saturday, April 19, 2008

"The Twist" technology, I hope those damn things are durable.

It's not an engineer or dreamer's job to think of practicality, that's why those savvy techno-wizards at microsoft is dreaming up "twist" technology, a new form of input that would make your standard UMPC (Ultra Mobile PC) interfacing even more "active".

Do you see what they've done there? The thing is that I'm sure that later on, designers would be able to implement some sort of programming that would feel intuitive for the user to "twist" their UMPC, who knows, maybe if you want to "wring out" more information from a website, you'd twist your handy dandy mobile computing device, and then weep as your inhuman strength rips the device asunder. "WHY CAN'T HULK INVESTIGATE INTERNET!!!?", you'll say, holding your charred amber of internet gate way "WHYYYYYY?"

I don't know, it seems retarded to me, but then again, I find the idea of a ram stuck on a powerline really retarded, but look how well that turned out!

not too well, I say, not too well...

BBC, via engagdet.

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