Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Best fake I.D. evar!

I guess this guy doesn't get out to the club without his girl much...


Stacey said...

It's Mississippi, so it might be his girl and his sister.

JayAre said...

I think he is just on the shortest leash ever.

A-TEK said...

Police in Miss. had trouble telling one ethnic minority from another, so the "Identification Through Proximation" process was started aimed at pairing people often seen together in public on the same I.D..The hope was that it would be harder to mistake a pair than just a single person.

Benny said...

Next time at the DMV I'm gonna jump into other people's shots.

then I'll probably get arrested and raped in jail, because that's what they do in jail, they stay behind bars, and rape each other.

I don't wanna go to jail :(