Monday, June 9, 2008

You think smokers here have it rough?

We get these pussy little "oh my this shit will harm you tee hee" crap on the side of the package that we only really read when we get bored.

But out in Brazil, if you purchase a pack of smokes, you'll come across some real bad stuff on your cigarette pack:

Now here's the thing, what I just showed you there is about the most SFW stuff I can show you, so if you really want to know what other really insane crap they are showing, just click on this link (NSFW)

Also, last I heard, the Philippines has some real grotesque posters put up right in front of the store, they also tax the hell out of cigarettes, which is still a puzzle to me... Seriously, if we kill ourselves it's our bad, but how is this bothering you in any way?

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