Thursday, June 26, 2008

A really fantastic send off of George Carlin.

Here I am, sick and tired of reading 3 word blogs of people being sad about George Carlin gone, and swore to god that I'd never say anything about it ever again.

And then I came across this send off by Louis C.K.

George walks straight off of the street onto the stage. A crowd of 3200 people is going apeshit. A LOT of comedians would take that in, stand there looking proud and get every last clap and holler on tape before saying "Thank you. Thanks. Alright. How we doin? This is great!" But George is SO eager to get his first thought out, he's trying to make them shut up so that he can do the bravest, boldest opening joke ever. "Why is it the people who are against abortion are people you wouldn't want to fuck in the first place."
Whoa. What a brushback pitch. Amazing. Any comedian with a joke like that would bury it inside of an act full of goodwill so that they wouldn't lose the audience. George is DYING to tell it to a primo special taping audience. He OPENS with it.

The entire article is wonderful, and I suggest everyone to go and read it, it gave me a whole new perspective on this man called George Carlin who is more then just 7 curse words.

Good Bye, George Carlin (Louis C.K.)

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