Monday, June 30, 2008

The Italian Spiderman punches your mother and possess your heart.

JR pointed me towards Double Viking to show me some video of a wonderfully attractive young lady, but as all things nerdy and slightly gay goes, I got distracted by the sheer gyrating excellence that is the Italian Spider man.

By the way, you remember this gif?

Yes, it's from the Italian Spiderman, everything good and holy has come together to give us something excellent.

The Trailer:

So far, 6 episodes has been produced, with possibly more along the way, I cannot stress enough how beautiful this is, so beautiful, in fact, that I will now need a new pair of pants. Ah Italian Spiderman, your cigarettes and wild manly mustache bewilders my senses and sets my loins ablaze with childish delight.

The production blog: The Mantis' Quill

1 comment:

Stacey said...

I am so glad u found that gif! It is one of my all time faves from all the things u guys have posted.