Tuesday, June 3, 2008


(This is a friend’s experience while working at a popular fast food place on the overnight shift.)

Employee: “Thanks for calling, how may I help you?”

Customer: “Hi. I came through drive-thru earlier tonight, and there’s something wrong with my food.”

Employee: “Um, okay…what’s wrong exactly?”

Customer: “Well, I ordered ***, and there was a used condom on the sandwich.”

Employee, holding in a laugh: “Sir, that’s impossible. We don’t practice safe sex here.”

Customer: “Well played.” *hangs up*


Also, I insist that you read this one, because it's brilliant and absurd and anything else I say will just take away from it: Bull In A China Shop

Ok, guys, I'm god damn serious, if you aren't reading (customers are) Not Always Right, you are robbing yourself of some good times.

1 comment:

Felix said...

Oh my god, there is a great deal of helpful data above!
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