Thursday, May 8, 2008

So while perusing BoingBoing they pointed to a blog post from Fleshbot, which would be one of my favorite work perusing sites if it weren't: A)NSFW and B)really-god-damn-NSFW. Ahem, anyway, so apparently Fleshbot found some interesting porn footage based on ye-old trek lore, which I'm sure, involves the crew banging every human looking alien chicks in various way, and I'm sure that somewhere along the line a tricorder may have been used in a way not quite intended by its creators and... well what the hell, I'm really really really curious about it now except I can't click on it because it's probably also incredibly: A)NSFW and B)You'll-really-get-fired-it's-probably-that-NSFW.

But that picture reminded me of this entry from Beware of the Blog where they posted a large collection of fanzine covers from the 70's and 80's, specifically, this image here on the right.

Can you see it? Kirk's bush, it burns for your love.

I've always held a certain level of... intellectual superiority, if self prescribed, over slash-fic writers and furries. Somewhere in my mind I've determined that I will never ever sink to that level of depravity and thus it fills me with disgust to be in their presence. Although as the years gone, I've been able to explore my feelings of anger and uncalled for hatred toward them, and I think I've finally come to a breakthrough: I'm simply afraid of ever becoming just like them.

Frankly speaking, I wouldn't be surprised at all that some day, while drowning my sorrow in space rum, I'd eye that bear suit I've stashed in the closet (which I stole off a mascot back in the spring of 1955 right in the midst of an ultimate showdown between the Springfield Riflemen vs Sexondale Rape-bears... afterwards the Rape-bears just went with Rapist the mascot, but that was quickly converted to "Spartan"... not much change, in my opinion.) and finally, after a short deliberation to myself, would put on that bear suit and begin writing that epic great American novel involving Princess Leia and a pack of cat people... in heat.

Jesus Christ I need to stop drinking.

Edit: damn this post looks like shit.

2nd edit: you know, I meant this post also as something I can click on once I get home, but instead, I went home and passed out, man, I fail at internet pr0n, what failure I be!!!


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