How did they get ".5", I've always hated that average count, seriously, POINT-FIVE delegates doesn't make sense, unless the delegate is a paraplegic, then you are just inaccurate, because they still have their legs, even if those don't work.

Unless the delegates are of the "small person" persuasion, then that's still insensitive, because I'm sure they'd prefer to be counted as a person, not half of one, no matter their size!

(or profession...)
And seriously, if it ends up that they only have half a body and you call them the ".5", that's even more rude, to medical science and the human spirit!

yeah... this is stupid.
1 comment:
One of my favorite quotes was about a midget. Miles Davis played at a club in NY where the doorman was a midget who i guess was kind of an asshole. The midget must of pissed Miles off cos Miles told him "your half a motherfucker".
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