Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Creative Panhandling

Austin has two major things that come to mind at it's mention. First we have a vast creative and artistic community. Second we have a vast homeless community. Wouldn't it be great if we could get some of the creativity to spill over to the homeless so that at least they could entertain us for a dollar rather than just make us feel uncomfortable at traffic lights? They should take a cue from the following starving artists:

Haha, funny bums... the world needs more
And by the way, I am not all that creative myself, I stole these images.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, you are right, the dog one is great! It looks as though the guy likes 7-11 Big Gulps and the dog likes coffee.
I am going to make my own sign that reads "I live in San Antonio. Know what else is in San Antonio? Some horrific shit! Please donate so I can move to Austin!"