Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Michael Bay's Rejected "The Dark Knight" script.

Some magically delicious individual over at Spill uncovered the "lost" Dark Knight script, as penned by Michael Bay.

Here's a sample:

(click on image to view more)

back to work.


Dray said...

This reminds me of that spooof where Ben Stiller is Tom Cruise's stunt double in Mission Impossible 2.

Stiller makes a suggestion to John Woo for the big motorcycle chase sequence that just as the two motorcycles are about to crash in mid air, the camera should zoom in on Cruise's face and he should say "Whoa this mission just got a hell of a lot more impossible".

Pic link of the two together:
Stiller and Cruise

Stacey said...

Sounds easy enough.

Myles said...

Gosh, there's a great deal of helpful data in this post!
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