Thursday, September 11, 2008

Seth MacFarland's Calvacade.

In another effort to attempt to cash in on other people's success I will randomly post videos of Seth MacFarland's new internet production on this website, for no reason at all then because I'm a douche bag.

In other news, Seth MacFarland, for some odd reason, decided that Family Guy and American Dad does not offer enough platform for his penchant for sudden non sequiturs, and has decided to launch his own website (and a youtube channel) dedicated to nothing but non sequiturs.

Here's his first two clips.

The Mario, the Princess, and the Dragon

A Dog on $25,000 Pyramid

now if you'll excuse me I'm going to head off and promptly forget all about this for until someone inadvertently mentions it to me in the midst of a mescaline induced stupor.

1 comment:

A-TEK said...

hmmm,...yeah, not too sure about that one