Monday, October 20, 2008

Another Series of Picture Dump Involving Signs...

Too many pictures about signs... not enough time to post them individually...

Why must you burn me?

Guard dogs love pies!

I'm not really sure it is necessary to denote that roads are slick due to ice and rain... I mean, do they have a symbol for industrial spills and oil slicks?

Cars are not allowed to be on fire.

I can only interpret this sign as "no adult, cars, children, balls, house, and curbs allowed".

Watch out for excavators.

This sign really isn't necessary.

As you can clearly tell, the car heading uphill is going so fast that it'll simply jump the tractor.

Dispose of trash properly under threat of head shot.

Dogs go either way *wink wink nudge nudge*

Duck... Duck... Duck... Gooah who cares...

It's ironic that the elephant so enjoys his smoke that in his excitement, shot water all over it.

No frog pooping allowed?

Trash can lids will explode and emit smoke.

Beware of cows ingesting your car.

Children loves playing with biohazard ball.


"The cool cowboys flicks his cigarette butt into the street. But he lives in an old movie."

They even went so far as to illustrate the fact that old cowboys flick butts a long time ago in old movie...

A strange missile like dildo by any other name...

I'm pretty sure I posted some of them already...

1 comment:

A-TEK said...

You are not John Wayne! Don't even try to be that cool! Please place cigarettes in ash can like normail less bad ass people.